The Teacher Recruitment Program (TRP) seeks to make California’s teaching workforce more inclusive. The goal of the CSU Teacher Recruitment Project is to attract participants from environments where teaching has not been a common career goal, assisting these students in qualifying for entrance into the teaching profession.

Participants are recruited from the broadest spectrum possible and include paraeducators from K-12 schools, as well as secondary school students, community college students, undergraduate students, and post-baccalaureate students who are interested in teaching as a profession.


Once a confirmation email has been received, contact the Clinical Experiences and Partnerships Office for benefits. Recipients may request each type of benefit one time only.

  • Gain unlimited access to online CBEST test preparation website 

To Apply

  1. Submit application online
  2. Once a confirmation email has been received, contact the Clinical Experiences and Partnerships Office for benefits.

Contact Information

Clinical Experiences and Partnerships Office

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