group of students outside of csuci

The DELEJ program will admit students on a cohort basis each summer. Their first task will be completing a pre-residency course on the use of Canvas and other tools necessary to online learning. They will next attend their first one-week summer residency on the CSU Channel Islands campus where they will upload all necessary software to their computers, experience bonding and rapport building exercises, receive an orientation to the program course work ending in dissertation completion, meet professors and program advisors in-person, and begin course work on their first course.

Ready to take the next step and join CSUCI’s DELEJ cohort? Head to: School of Education Admissions Page

Pre-Program Orientation for new students 

The DELEJ Program begins with an online asynchronous pre-residency course. This course is delivered through Canvas. The purpose is to orient students to the program, support students in learning to use some of the online tools they will use during the DELEJ program, and provide an opportunity for students to introduce themselves to their cohort.

  • Dates: Asynchronous Orientation course will open a few weeks before the beginning of the summer session.

The DELEJ Program operates its own Summer Session, during which students take several asynchronous online courses. Some of the course content will also be delivered during the in-person summer Residency.  

  • 2025 Summer Session Dates: June 2, 2025 – August 8, 2025 

The DELEJ Program operates an in-person, on-campus Summer Residency each year of the program. These summer residencies are a required part of the DELEJ Program. Though the residencies may differ slightly from cohort to cohort, the general goals of each summer residency are outlined below.  

  • Summer 2025 In-Person Summer Residency Dates: June 9, 2025-June 13, 2025 
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