Timeline of CSUCI's Early Childhood Center
February 2023 - August 2023

Design Kick Off Meeting and site tour with NAC Architects. Design Kickoff Meeting Agenda (42.6 K)

Subsequent program planning meetings with NAC and campus stakeholders

Various childcare site tours throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. Including but not limited to:

  • Patagonia's Great Pacific Child Development Center
  • UCLA's Early Care and Education
  • California Lutheran University's Fredrickson Family Early Childhood Center.
January 2023

ECCEC Project Team Kick Off Meeting: Fran McIntyre (PDCS), Toni DeBoni, Dr. Elizabeth Reilly, Terry Tarr, Dr. Mari Riojas-Cortez, David Carlson, Barbara Rex, Dr. Kaia Tollefson, Kirk England, Mary Laurence, Aura Bryan, Laurie Nichols, Richard LeRoy and Brian Lindgren

June 2022 - January 2023

North Quad location selected.

Fran McIntyre, Pendulum Dependent Care Solutions (PDCS) hired as lead consultant.

Northwest Architectural Company (NAC) hired as architectural consultant.

May 2022Town Hall Meeting to discuss possible sites for a future Early Childhood Care & Education Center at CSUCI, a presentation showed two options and the pros and cons of each site were discussed. Attendees were invited to offer their feedback to President Yao via a Qualtrics survey as to which site they think should be selected.
October 2020The Early Childhood Education Center Feasibility Study is published.
June 2020CSUCI receives letter of support from Mr. Joe Mendoza, Director of Special Populations Educational Support Department for the Ventura County Office of Education
April 2020April 2020 CSUCI conducts a feasibility study for the Early Childhood Education Center.
March 2020CSUCI conducts a campus Child Care Needs assessment survey.
March 2020President Erica D. Beck updates the community on the status of the Early Childhood Education Center during her annual State of the University Address.
November 2019November 2019 CSUCI is presented with a check for $5 million dollars for the Early Childhood Education Center during the inaugural "Channel Your Network" speaker series event.
June 2019

Assembly member Jacqui Irwin works to secure state funding for crucial Ventura County programs including $5 million dollars for the infrastructure and site development of a pilot child care center on the CSUCI campus.

April 2019Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin submits a letter of support for state funding for the development of a child care center on the CSUCI campus. CSUCI Office of the President develops a Concept Business Plan for the Early Childhood Education Center.
Spring 2019An initial white paper is drafted to inform stakeholders about the need for equitable access to a child care facility to serve the region's families and provide opportunities for student and faculty research.
February 2019Reiter Affiliated Companies Community Solutions Report and Community Childcare Report Executive Summary are published.
Spring 2013Plans for an education and care center were explored with a group of individuals representing each campus division. The Student and Faculty Caregivers website was published.

Fall 2012

Project Vista published the results of the Family Needs Assessment.

Spring 2012Project Visa funded a research project to explore the need for childcare and dependent adult care for CI students.

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By the time a child enters Kindergarten, their brain is 90% developed. Early Childhood Educators have the unique opportunity to support learning and social-emotional development when it matters most. They play a crucial role in building the brainpower of our youngest residents!

-Petra Puls, Executive Director First 5 Ventura County
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